
 Sustainable technologies to guarantee access to drinking water  With technological advances, new sustainable solutions are helping to combat water scarcity. Here are some of the most promising: Membrane filters: Used in treatment plants, they remove up to 99% of contaminants. UV purification: Portable devices use ultraviolet light to eliminate pathogens in minutes. Compact Desalination Units: Solutions for homes or small communities in coastal areas. Atmospheric water collection: Systems such as the air fountain extract moisture from the air and turn it into drinking water.  “Technology is essential to overcome the challenges of the global water crisis.” - Global Water Partnership. Find out how to guarantee clean water using cutting-edge technology. Discover our solutions here!
 5 ways to access drinking water in areas of severe drought  Lack of drinking water is one of the biggest threats during severe droughts. Discover 5 effective methods to guarantee a supply: Water filtration: Use high-quality portable filters that remove bacteria, protozoa and sediment. Models such as the Sawyer Mini are compact and efficient. Rain collection : In regions that still receive occasional rainfall, rooftop collection systems can be installed to store water in tanks. Solar purification : Methods such as SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection) are affordable and effective. Simply expose transparent plastic bottles filled with water to sunlight for 6 hours. Desalination: Small personal devices can turn salt water into drinking water, an ideal solution for coastal areas. Atmospheric Water Harvesting: Equipment such as the Air Source System extracts water directly from the air, even in dry environments. WHO studies show that investing in water solutions reduces the risk of ...
How to Prepare for Water Shortages During Climate Crises   A escassez de água é uma realidade crescente devido às mudanças climáticas, que intensificaram as secas e reduziram a disponibilidade de recursos hídricos em muitas regiões. Estar preparado é essencial para proteger sua família e garantir o acesso à água em momentos críticos. Aqui estão algumas dicas detalhadas: Armazenamento de água : Invista em recipientes de qualidade alimentar para armazenar água potável. Etiquete-os com a data de armazenamento e renove-os regularmente. Tratamento de água : Mantenha pastilhas de purificação, filtros de carbono ou sistemas UV em casa para tratar a água de fontes questionáveis. Coleta de água da chuva : Instale calhas e tanques para coletar a água da chuva. Esta é uma maneira eficiente de garantir um suprimento para uso doméstico. Educação Familiar : Ensine sua família sobre o uso consciente da água, incluindo estratégias para reduzir o desperdício. De acordo com a ONU, aproximadamente 2...